Funding Requests / Wishes

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NLSA has set up a wish list on Amazon for numerous items that would assist us in our commitment to providing quality legal assistance. You can access NLSA's wish list by clicking here. You can also search for Neighborhood Legal Services Association’s Wish List at Typically, Items on our Wish List range in price from $25 to $500. Simply select the wish list item you want to fulfill , purchase it online and the item will be shipped directly to NLSA.

We also maintain an organizational wish list for items not available at Amazon which includes moderate to large requests for equipment, services and other items that can be fulfilled with a single gift ranging from $2,500 to $8,500. For more information and/or to inquire about giving and sponsorship opportunities, please contact either Lynn Ramsey or Christine Kirby in the NLSA Development Office. Contact information for Lynn is or 412‐586‐6133 and Christine can be reached by calling 412‐586‐6137 or via email

Network Security Control Evaluations – $4,000

Modern computing infrastructures provide many benefits to organizations, but they also bring with them an increased level of risk. The complexity and interconnected nature of network resources can make them difficult to manage, while also providing increased opportunities for inside and outside threats to exploit vulnerabilities in order to commit theft or fraud. The tools and techniques used by attackers are becoming more sophisticated and new software vulnerabilities are discovered every day. Even with traditional protection measures such as intrusion prevention systems, firewalls, and antivirus software, organizations remain at risk through unidentified or uncorrected vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities exist on every network. Identifying and managing these vulnerabilities should be a critical part of NLSA’s risk management plan in order to most effectively mitigate risk. Penetration testing provides a deep look into our external network footprint in order to find vulnerabilities and attack vectors that could be used by an outside attacker or disgruntled employee to compromise the integrity and availability of IT assets. This allows the organization to more efficiently manage vulnerabilities and strengthen our security posture.

An investment of $4,000 would allow NLSA to contract with a data security consultant to verify the security of our network and protect our client’s data. The Security Control Assessment is to ensure the proper safeguards are in place to adequately mitigate risk of the information system. Security controls are the management, operational, and technical safeguards or countermeasures prescribed for an information system to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system and its information. This allows NLSA to more efficiently manage vulnerabilities and strengthen our security posture.

Energy Audit of 928 Penn Avenue ‐‐ $8,500

NLSA is seeking a matching gift of $8,500 to engage a qualified commercial energy audit consultant to conduct an investment grade energy audit that evaluates potential energy conservation measures and utility cost savings opportunities for our headquarters building/operations center. As part of this effort, NLSA is also interested in evaluating potential “green” building opportunities, including renewable energy, Indoor Air Quality, and water conservation measures, and a capital reserve analysis.

Protections from Abuse Representation Interns ‐‐ $6,500

NLSA seeks two (2) contributions of $6,500 each to underwrite semester‐long internships for certified law students to represent victims of domestic violence seeking Protections From Abuse in their final hearings. The underwriting an intern is an effective way to help a survivor of domestic violence obtain important legal protections against his or her abuser.

The official registration and financial information of Neighborhood Legal Services Association may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Federal regulations applying to NLSA require that we notify all donors that no funds can be expended by NLSA for any activity prohibited under P.L.104-134 or otherwise prohibited by 45 C.F.R. § 1600 et seq.